nbsp;来自密西西比州Star小镇的Faith Hill三岁开始在教堂演唱,从小便对歌唱表演充满热情,Faith Hill成长的过程中深受福音和乡村音乐影响,拥有一副媲美黑人的灵魂唱腔的Faith Hill,13岁学习吉他,之后进入Hinds Junior College就读,以丰富的表演经验成为学校风云人物,接著她独立来到纳许维尔,追寻儿时歌唱梦,从卖t-shirt、进入唱片相关行业转而表演,受到名经纪人盖瑞莫利斯赏识,开启她的巨星扉页。
Joy to the worldnbsp;
The Lord has comenbsp;
Let earth receive her Kingnbsp;
Let every heart prepare Him roomnbsp;
And heaven and nature singnbsp;
And heaven and nature singnbsp;
And heaven and heaven and nature singnbsp;
Joy to the worldnbsp;
the Savior reignsnbsp;
Let men their songs employnbsp;
While fields and rocks, hills and plainsnbsp;
Repeat the sounding joynbsp;
Repeat the sounding joynbsp;
Repeat, repeat the sounding joynbsp;
He rules the world with truth and gracenbsp;
And makes the nations provenbsp;
The glories of His righteousnessnbsp;
And wonders of His lovenbsp;
And wonders of His lovenbsp;
And wonders, And wonders, of His lovenbsp;
His love His lovenbsp;
The glories of His righteousnessnbsp;
And wonders of His lovenbsp;