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If I Ain’t Got You-Alicia Keys(简谱 需改编)




If I Ainrsquo;t Got You是美国Ramp;B新生代女歌手Alicia Keys的歌曲。对于ALICIA KEYS的FANS来说,这首歌曲的确是心中无法逾越的高峰。将这首歌的词和曲分开来欣赏也是一种享受。歌词就是一首完整的诗,将歌手对于爱情的想法表达的淋漓尽致,将一切世俗的物质排除在外。或许一些人认为歌词太过童话,也许爱情的确无法孤身独立在金钱,权利,名誉之外。不过这种想法是难能可贵的,即使我们无法做到,我们也应该去争取,毕竟很少人想把爱情当做游戏来对待。

If I Ainrsquo;t Got You


歌词下方是If I Ainrsquo;t Got You钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

If I Ainrsquo;t Got You歌词:

Some people live for the fortune
熙熙庸人 为财而来
Some people live just for the fame
攘攘庸人 为名而往
Some people live for the power yeah
络络庸人 为权而争
Some people live just to play the game
绎绎庸人 游戏人生
Some people think that the physical things
如许庸人 贪恋物欲
Define whats within
妄作定论 以度浮生
And Ilsquo;ve been there before
余亦悲伏 往信此征
That lifes a bore
窃以而为 命该寻常
So full of the superficial
虚情假意 肆谑张狂
Some people want it all
庸人如故 揽尽所图
But I dont want nothing at all
寡欲如我 并无他想
If it aint you baby
若无君兮 余将何处
If I aint got you baby
若无君兮 余将何往
Some people want diamond rings
庸人极欲 珠翠金玉
Some just want everything
庸人浮夸 觊觎繁华
But everything means nothing
犹未可知 得亦为失
If I aint got you yeah
若无君兮 余无可往
Some people search for a fountain Promises forever young
庸人沉沦 妄寻永生
Some people need three dozen roses
庸人尝求 迷恋徘徊
And thats the only way you prove you love them
痴以为之 可鉴情爱
And in a world on a silver platter
世似银卣 腹怀万载
And what would it be
深究底细 讵知何必
No one to share, no one who truly cares for me
余无良人 牵挂怜惜
If I aint got you with me baby
若无君兮 余无念兮
Nothing in this whole wide world dont mean a thing
浩渺斯世 沧海微粒
If I aint got you with me baby
若无君兮 余何恋兮






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